FFME Canyoning Grading System — Mandarin Translation

溪降路線難度分級 通用參考標準



Vertical Character 縱向級數


V1 (Very Easy):
-Rope normally unnecessary for progress
-No abseils
-No Climbing or Down-climbing Required



V2 (Easy):
-Pitch anchors are very easily reached
-Abseils are less than 10m
-Easy climbing & down-climbing with little exposure



V3 (Moderate):
-Pitch anchors are easily reached
-Abseils are easy and less than 30m
-Rappels are separated by enough room to regroup
-Low vertical flow
-Rappels land in calm pools
-Hand-line setting is easy
-Climbing moves to grade 12 (little exposure which may require a rope)

-攀爬難度達grade 12 (微暴露處具繩索確保可能性)


V4 (Difficult):
-Pitch anchors are difficult to reach
-Abseils are greater than 30m
-Hand-line setting is difficult
-Multi-pitch rappels with relatively spacious re-belay stations
-Rough rock edges requiring rope wear management
-Low to moderate vertical flow that can begin to cause imbalance or entrapment
-Landing pools have current
-Climbing moves to grade 15 or A0 (exposed and /or requires belaying)

-多繩距垂降 (空間大立足式架點)
-攀爬難度達grade 15 或 A0 (暴露處需繩索確保)


V5 (Advanced):
-Multi-pitch rappels with hanging re-belays
-Requirement to cross pools with current when rappelling
-Medium to high vertical flow (crossing the flow requires accurate route selection & balance)
-Rope retrieval is difficult or possibly has to be done while swimming
-Exposed climbing moves to grade 18 or A1

頂階 (冒險階)
-多繩距垂降 (懸掛式架點)
-中等至大垂直水線 (需準確降水線, 保平衡與路線選擇)
-攀爬難度達grade 18 或 A1


V6 (Highly Advanced):
-Pitch anchors are very difficult to reach
-Hand-line setting is very difficult
-Strong to very strong vertical flow
-Crossing the flow on rappel is very difficult (requires effective management of route selection & balance)
-Landing pools are very turbulent and/or have significant current
-Exposed climbing moves to grade 19 or A2

-垂降渡垂直水線非常困難 (需高效操作, 路線選擇與平衡感)
-攀爬難度達grade 19 或 A2


V7 (Extremely Advanced):
-Limited visibility of route with numerous obstacles
-Very sustained waterfalls without gaps
-Requirement to hold breath upon certain sections
-Landings in highly turbulent pools or powerful current
-Exposed climbing moves >grade 19 or A2

-攀爬難度>grade19 或 A2


Aquatic Character 水域級數


A1 (Very Easy):
-No water or calm water
-Optional swimming



A2 (Easy):
-Swim <10m in calm water
-Simple jumps between <3m
-Short, low angled slides



A3 (Moderate):
-Swim <30m in calm water
-Slight current in places
-Simple jumps between 3 to 5m
-Long or moderately angled slides



A4 (Difficult):
-Prolonged immersion in cold water
-Moderate current in places
-Simple jumps between 5 to 8m
-Technical jumps <5m
-Siphons of up to 1m depth and/or length
-Large or steep slides

-正常跳水落差介於8–10 m
-困難跳水落差介於5–8 m


A5 (Advanced):
-Prolonged immersion in cold water resulting in a substantial heat loss
-Current strong enough that it could affect a swimming path
-Hydraulics such as eddies, re-circulations, holes, may trap a canyoner for a short period of time
-Simple jumps between 8 to 10m
-Technical jumps of 5 to 8m
-Siphons of up to 2m depth and/or length

頂階 (冒險階)
-危險激流如回流, 翻滾流, 水洞 可短時間困住泳者
-正常跳水落差介於8–10 m
-困難跳水落差介於5–8 m


A6 (Highly Advanced):
-Moderate current that makes a selected swimming path or stopping point difficult to achieve
-Hydraulics such as eddies, re-circulations, holes, may trap a canyoner for a moderate period of time
-Simple jumps between 10 to 14m
-Technical jumps of 5 to 8m
-Siphons of up to 3m depth and/or length

-危險激流如回流, 翻滾流, 水洞 可中等時間困住泳者
-正常跳水落差介於10-14 m
-困難跳水落差介於5–8 m


A7 (Extremely Advanced):
-Strong current that makes a selected swimming path or stopping point extremely difficult to achieve
-Hydraulics such as eddies, re-circulations, holes, may trap a canyoner for a prolonged period of time
-Simple jumps >14m
-Technical jumps >10m
-Siphons over 3m in length and/or depth
-Technical and committing siphon, more than 1m deep, with current or no visibility

-危險激流如回流, 翻滾流, 水洞 可長時間困住泳者
-正常跳水落差>14 m
-高危險篩縫洞超過1m深 (具強流或無視線風險)


Time Commitment 時間級數


-Able to get out of a flood quickly
-Escape is easy throughout the canyon
-Total time (approach, descent, return) less than 2 hours



-Able to get out of a flood in less than 15 minutes
-Escape takes up to 30 minutes
-Total time (approach, descent, return) is between 2 to 4 hours



-Able to get out of a flood in less than 30 minutes
-Escape takes up to 1 hour
-Total time (approach, descent, return) is between 4 and 8 hours



-Able to get out of a flood in less than 1 hour
-Escape takes up to 2 hours
-Total time (approach, descent, return) between 8 hours & 1 day



-Able to get out of a flood in less than 2 hours
-Escape takes up to 4 hours
-Total time (approach, descent, return) is between 1 & 2 days



-Getting out of a flood takes more than 2 hours
-Escape requires more than 4 hours
-Total time (approach, descent, return) is more than 2 days



Time Estimates Are Based on an Average Group of 6–8 People. Larger Groups And Less Experienced Groups Will Take Longer.

時間分級評估以六至八人團隊為主, 更大的團體以及較沒經驗的團體會需要更多時間


Quality 品級


No Stars: Some beginner canyons may receive no stars, but are still worthwhile for the experience gained

無星: 值得新手練習


1 Star⭐️: Locally significant canyons, that are worth the effort required to descend

一星: 鄉級路線


2 Stars⭐️⭐️: Regionally significant canyons of above average quality that are worth returning to several times

二星: 縣級路線, 值得重覆造訪


3 Stars⭐️⭐️⭐️: Nationally significant canyons with an excellent mix of good access, beauty, fun and challenge

三星: 國家級路線, 具優良進出點, 迷人地貌, 娛樂與難度性


4 Stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: Internationally significant canyons

四星: 世界級路線美景




-The French Canyoning Grading System

-Canyoning in New Zealand (by Daniel Clearwater)

